Friday, February 27, 2009

Out Of Body Experience.

You too can have an out of body experience.
Astral projection is really a very exciting area.

Go back in time, way back. My very first memories include an instinctive knowledge, seeing and feeling more than my immediate surroundings (perhaps all children have this ability) I have always just known things, things I had no business known.
I had my first out of body experience many years ago. Let me start at the beginning.

Astral projection is where the consciousness and the astral body separate together from the physical body to travel in the spirit world or astral plane. It is an out of body experience achieved via deep meditation or lucid dreaming. In this state of consciousness, you can travel and see things without your physical body.

The benefits of out of body exploration extend far beyond the limits of your physical senses and your intellect. After an out of body experience, many people report an inner awakening of their spiritual identity, a transformation of their self concept. They see themselves as more than matter more aware and alive.

My husband use to travel and fly all over the place, our little game was that he would try to send images of his location at any given time and I would see where he was. In what type of building, what the room was like, the people he was with etc, etc. Then when he came home we would compare notes. As time went on I was able to give more and more detail.

Let me tell you how I got to my stage of out of body exploration.
You don't need a special teacher or any inherent skills or psychic powers.
All you do need is find a quiet place to meditate, focus on the person, place or event and you will be amazed how much you will pick-up.
Perhaps not at first try but you will find that, you will know, see, hear and feel more each time you try this experiment.

I've discovered that when you quiet your brain and learn to trust the images that you receive, even if logically they make they make little or no sense. So in other words reaching the right frequencies let you easily begin the journey of astral projection.
Reaching mind altered states will enhance your ability to achieve goals and learning to astral project can be done naturally by anyone.

To develop your remote viewing,or out of body abilities try to imagine before a meeting what will become the hot topic of the day. Start with concentrating on colour surrounding your friends or colleagues, the more you practice move on to greater detail.
Write your thoughts down before the meeting, this make for better results. Again do not be discouraged if your do not get the wanted results overnight, it does take practise.

Now why astral projection or out of body exploration?
You can experience things for yourselves, make your own discoveries.
This way you will learn to recognise your own ability
and find out the answers for yourselves to all sorts of previously unanswered questions.
Know exactly what you can do to get the most benefit in your life.

There are many benefits of developing psychic powers that must be considered.
Being in tune with nature means being able to see the results of your actions before you take them! Relax and live a stress free life!
Live a more complete and healthy lifestyle. Being in touch with your psychic ability means living closer to your eternal soul.
Mind you one word of advise. You may not always want to hear what your angels tell you, some of the messages can be downright frightening.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Power To Create Your World

Each of us has something special to offer.

We all have a unique vision, a meaning and a purpose to our life, in which we can be the most happy, the most successful and the most fulfilled. The discovery of that unique vision is your life purpose and will bring about your highest material fulfillment.

Our objective or life purpose should be to contact with the highest spiritual power and spiritual heights. The perfection of power is to become power. Power is operating unconsciously in our lives, power will transform you. However the transformation begins with you, the need to find your wisdom and power to use it for the highest good will help you grow both spiritually and materially.

Your world will change when your attitude about life will change. Your light and power will flow to others, for true power will always be shared. Spiritual growth is a slow process. If you can ignore your fear then your destiny will be yours to create. You will be consciously working with the interest of the highest spiritual power in mind and bring this power and light into the physical world.

When you have nurtured the light, your power will grow. Healing is one of the most beneficial powers that exists. One of the most profound experiences is to use the healing abilities of your power and light.

This path of psychic development is not meant for everyone. If you are not meant to develop your abilities in this lifetime, you will not have the urge to pursue this path. For some of you, development of your psychic ability may have started early in life. Development of your abilities can easily be a lifelong undertaking, and will need a lot of meditation and focus.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mystic or Psychic Abilities.

There is a myth

The myth is that some people are born psychic and others are not. Everyone possesses mystic or psychic abilities. We all have the power to become a psychic, it is just that some of us tune into this power more than others. Some people are very in touch with their instincts and their psychic side while others ignore this aspect of their lives.

You possess hidden talents.
Everyone has the ability to discover and use this psychic talent. Psychic ability development needs to be cultivated and nurtured over a long period of time.
It is demonstrated by your display of information, which you normally do not and should not possess. An information that is from a source outside of your normal sources of knowledge. Such knowledge comes from the universal mind.
Just as we have our normal five senses of hearing, feeling, seeing, smelling and tasting, this latent ability is known as the sixth sense.

How To Become A Psychic.
Most people, when they go outside and walk in the park, are more in touch with their perception of the park and what they are thinking. They are oblivious to the other goings on in the park such as what is going on with the birds, animals, insects, plants and other people in the park. The more consumed with thought you are about yourself, the less chance you have of tuning in to your natural psychic abilities.

Unchecked or ignored psychic abilities.
Most people go through life allowing their psychic abilities to remain unchecked or ignored. Not too many people are aware of the power that they hold in their own minds. Very few of you realize that your minds can actually make things happen for you and people around you. We are more in control of our environment than we think that we are.

You can not only make others do what you would like them to do, but some of you can also do things like heal yourselves. There are countless incidents of people who have been diagnosed with deadly illnesses, given a short time to live and who defied the doctors.
In some cases, people with cancer have had tumors actually disappear.
Doctors can never explain this phenomenon and write it off as maybe they misdiagnosed the illness. However, those who have healed themselves are not so quick to write it off. They realize that they tapped into their psychic abilities and actually healed their own bodies.

Our minds are very powerful and scientists say that we only use about a third of our brains. If we can manage to tap into our psychic abilities and use more than one third of our minds, we can truly become psychic individuals, able to heal ourselves, others, and live our lives to the fullest, being truly psychic and happy.