Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How To Develop Psychic Abilities

What is the safest way to develop psychic abilities?
There are many ways that you can use to develop your own psychic abilities that lay within all of us. Many people are afraid of their own psychic abilities because they do not understand them. They will not try to develop their psychic powers at all as they may have been taught that such a development is evil or wrong. Certain religions will tell followers that psychic abilities are the tools of the devil. This is wrong. Psychic abilities are a natural function for us and nothing to fear. There are many ways that you can develop your own psychic abilities.

One way that you can develop your psychic abilities is through the tarot card. The tarot card is an ancient pagan tradition that tells the past, present and future of those who get a reading. You will have to become familiar with the deck before you can actually develop your own psychic powers.

Another way that you can develop your own psychic abilities is to find a mentor who is well versed in parapsychology. The mentor can be someone who connects with their psychic abilities through tarot, tea leaves, astrology, crystals, whatever. They can offer to teach you how to get in touch with your own spiritual side. The drawback to using a mentor is that you will have to learn the way that they feel is the right way to getting in touch with your psychic intuition which may not be best for you. We all have psychic abilities. Some of us are in touch with them and do not fear them, but for the most part, most people either fear their own psychic abilities or they do not even know that they have them.

Ancient religions all have teachers that understand the benefits of tapping into your psychic intuition. There is nothing wrong or evil about it. It is just a part of nature. Spiritualism, which is the religion of the ancient Native Americans, has made a resurgence in the past few years and has seen many converts to this ancient religion. Spiritualism should not be confused with paganism or witchcraft or Wicca, none of which is evil. All of these ancient religions teach respect for our fellow man and for nature. None of them deal with dark spells or trying to do harm to other people.

If you can find someone who is well versed in parapsychology and who has tapped into their own psychic powers, you may be able to learn the best form them. They should be someone who has decided to use their psychic powers for good purposes and in a responsible manner. Psychic powers are not something that should be taken lightly and should be used responsibly.